One we made earlier: Flowers in the the other city.

Lamposts outside

Last May were asked by Sounds From the Other City if we would brighten up the festival with some yarn bombing. After talking it over in the snug at the Kings we went away with a plan. ThatRoger! made a great many knitted green vines and the rest of us made a superabundance of flowers (and the odd worm… bird… musical note – some folk just can’t resist).

Early on the morning of the festival we met in the King’s beer garden to put finishing touches to our art and set to work on the lamposts outside the pub. Each of our bombs had a note explaining that people could take a flower and wear it.

We wandered up and down Chapel street leaving a trail of wooly flowers, some in very obvious places, some slightly out of your eye line so you had to look.

Yarn bomb worm  look out for flowers

After a few hours we made it back to our favourite pub to decorate the bar and get a refreshing drink.

been through the mill  Decorating the bar

Photos by ArtYarn

Were you at Sounds From the Other City? Did you wear one of our flowers? We would love to hear about it if you did.

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